Saturday, December 30, 2017


Palindrome Number Program in PHP

Palindrome Number :-

palindromic number or numeral palindrome is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. Like 53235, 

Below are the example palindrome number:-

121 , 212 , 12321 , 16461

#Steps to Check a Palindrome Number :-

  • Take a Number
  • Now reverse its digit
  • Now compare both the numbers
  • if both are equals to each other then return "Number is Palindrome".
  • else return "Number is not Palindrome"

Here I am writing the PHP program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.

Palindrome Number Program Without of Using PHP Predefined Function :-

$number = 53235;
$p = $number;
$revnum =0;
while($number != 0){ //echo 'i am';
      $revnum = $revnum*10 + $number % 10 ;//echo '-';
     $number = (int)($number/10);
    //echo '<br/>';
    echo $p.' is palindrome number';
    echo 'number is not palindrome';

Output :- 53235 is palindrome number

Using function that take a number as an input :-

function checkPalindrome($number){
    $p = $number;
    $revnum =0;
    while($number != 0){ 
          $revnum = $revnum*10 + $number % 10 ;
         $number = (int)($number/10);
        echo $p.' is palindrome number';
        //return TRUE;
        echo 'number is not palindrome';
        //return FALSE;
echo checkPalindrome('121');

Output :- 121 is palindrome number

Using PHP Predefined Function :-

$number = '121';

if(strrev($number) == $number){
    echo $number.' is palindrome number';
    echo 'number is not palindrome';

Output :- 121 is palindrome number

Using the above program you can check whether a number is palindrome or not in PHP.

About Author -

Hi, I am Anil.

Welcome to my eponymous blog! I am passionate about web programming. Here you will find a huge information on web development, web design, PHP, Python, Digital Marketing and Latest technology.

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